Our produce is ever changing

Becoming more colorful, tasty and diverse

All of our seasonal goodies

  • Vegeatbles

    We have successfully grown and enjoyed:

    Okra, cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplant, asparagus, peppers, sun chokes, carrots, radishes, beans, squash, broccoli, kale, spinach, lettuce, swiss chard, and cactus

  • Microgreens

    Graduates of our seed nursery:

    Pea, sorrel, sunflower, basil, cilantro, parsley, salad mix, and amaranth

  • Eggs

    We love all of our hens of different breeds:

    Barred rocks, olive eggers, ameraucanas, easter eggers, isa browns, buff orpingtons, lavender orpingtons, australorp, golden laced wyandotte, mystic marans, black copper marans, rhode island reds and a rooster named Tarzan

  • Honey

    Coming Soon. Honey and comb purchasing options.

  • Dairy

    Our goats provide great tasting milk low in lactose. twice a year we have fresh raw unpasteurized milk filled with great nutrients, cheese, soap and other diary items.

  • Flowers

    Not only do our flowers benefit the honey bees:

    Sunflower, butterfly pea blossom, marigold, nasturtium, cucumber blossom, squash blossom